The Korean group (which has fewer than 30 people) meets with the English group (more than 150 people) once per month, and those services tend to be primarily in English. When the Korean Fellowship meets on its own, participants sit around a table in a room across the hall from the main sanctuary. Here, Youngmo prays during the Korean service with the sounds of singing (“Praise the Lord, the Almighty”) from the English service close by.
The participants send songs requests to Youngmo during the week, and he leads them on Sunday morning with guitar. His daughter also accompanies with piano. When I attended on February 28, 2018, they sang a variety of songs from traditional to contemporary, originally written in Korean or translated from English. “I will sing unto the Lord” was written by Donna Brockway in 1972.
After singing, participants take turns reading Bible passages and discussing their themes. Following the service, the Korean and English participants ate at a fundraiser lunch together, a traditional Russian Mennonite meal of sausage and verenika served in the basement of the church.