Chin Emmanuel Baptist Church (despite the name) is a Mennonite congregation in Houston, Texas. Chin is a language spoken in a small region of Myanmar that has experienced political unrest, famine, and violence in recent decades (for extensive background, see the Human Rights Watch report). In 2011, a group of Chin people who immigrated to Houston formed a Christian congregation and sought out a larger denomination with which to partner. Pastor Simonlian Tlumang said they chose Mennonite Church USA because of personal connections and shared beliefs, such as adult baptism.
On Saturday evenings, people from this congregation gather in homes for prayer meetings. When I attended on November 11, 2017, around 30 people sat together in the living room of an apartment. Children took turns standing to say Bible verses by memory, and everyone applauded them. Some adults stood with prayer requests, and the group prayed and sang songs with acoustic guitar accompaniment. Some people had hymnals printed in the back of their Bibles, and others accessed them on their phones. At the close of the meeting, the hosts served noodles and spicy fish soup and participants stayed to talk.